Thursday, October 9, 2014

Boomer Sooner to All!

‘Twas the night before Texas, and all through the state
Not a student was stirring, not any roommate
The buses were parked at Lloyd Noble with care,
Prepared for the team, who would soon be there.

The players were nestled all snug in their seats
While burgers of Bevo were all they could eat
And Bell in his jersey, and Ross with his grip
Had just settled in for long road trip

When out on the field there arose such a clatter,
Stoops sprang from his chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the press box he flew like a kite,
Turned on the big lights to check on the site

The lights on the breast of the new-painted grass
Gave the luster of mid-day to those who would pass
When, what to his wandering eyes would appear,
But a horse-drawn schooner, with two pony dears

With a little old driver, so lively and marry
He knew in a moment it must be Barry
More determined than soldiers, his faithful they came,
He whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

“Now Perine! Now Shepard! Now Williams and Hayes
On, Nelson! On, Sanchez! On Striker and Clay!
Down I-35 quickly! Straight into Fair Park!
Now touchdown! And field goal! Before it gets dark!

And then, with a bell, Stoops heard from behind
The sounds of his Sooners, like God’s mankind
“There’s a team in Oklahoma, Norman to be exact
Where champions are bred, with the records to back.

“We swear our allegiance to the crimson and cream,
and lay down our efforts to honor this team.
We stand in the shadows of champions past,
And guard every inch of this hallowed grass.”

Stoops bowed down his head, to his team gave a nod,
And knew it was time to win on that sod.
Down to Dallas he’d go, to fight the Longhorns
And to take on Charles Strong, who'd lose all and mourn.

With a first down, a blitz, a touchdown and all,
Stoops watched his team gain winning points for that Fall.
Strong cried his way out, Stoops had won that grand fight. 
"Boomer Sooner to all, and to all a good night!"

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